30 apr 2005 you need to give a harbor mail to the woman in the house next to the pok mart in mauville city in order to receive the coin case. If you do not have one to trade with her, you'll. 11 may 2009 in mauville city, there is a lady that will trade you a coin case in exchange for a harbor mail (which is sold in slateport). 16 may 2012 if you get the harbour mail, you can go to the house next to the pokemart in mauville city, and give it to the lady in the house. She gives you the coin case in return.
First, you get a harbor mail. Then go to mauville. Go to the house east/right to the game corner. 30 apr 2005 you need a wave mail give it to the girl next to the game corner then she'll give you a coin case hope this helps^_^. 30 apr 2005 to get the coin case,you need to get a harbor mail from the slateport pokemart. then you give the harbor mail to the person in the house next to the pokemart in.
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